
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Protestant Church beliefs aren't the Same with the Church Members on Homosexuality in USA - We in Sri Lanka, where are we

In the official web site of the  Assemblies of God,  explains the belief of the Church in relation to Homosexuality and Gay lifestyle.
 It starts the article as follows:
What is the Assemblies of God’s position on homosexual relationships?
The Assemblies of God believes strongly that God has declared great displeasure and opposition toward homosexual conduct. However, He yearns to restore and forgive all who come to Him, including homosexuals. Unfortunately, many today mislabel those who speak out against the sin of homosexuality as hate-mongers and prejudiced people seeking to oppress and take away the rights of homosexuals. But these persons view homosexuality from a skewed social perspective devoid of true biblical morality. The Church, however, is called to be faithful to God’s Word in all things. For this reason the Assemblies of God opposes homosexuality and the gay lifestyle recognizing such as sin. But we encourage all members to reach out in love to homosexuals extending to them the grace that leads us all to Christ’s forgiveness.

--un Quote--

 This belief of the Assemblies of God Church in the USA, has to be closely followed, as a study conducted by the Pew Research Center has found out the following results, amongst the members of many Protestant denominations' acceptance of Homosexuality. One thing that stands out in this survey is that the AOG members who have been questioned in this survey by and large appears to be the least accomodative  towards Homosexuality. This may be due to the beliefs of the Church that would have trickled down to the lives of the members. However the % increase within a span of 7 years, has to be looked upon with some seriousness. From 16% in 2007, it had increased to 26%, which is an increase of 62.5%. This is the highest % increase from the other church memberships. 

As a believer who attends a church of the Assemblies of God in Sri Lanka, and a person to whom a burden is been given by the Lord, I'm closely watching the developments of members and believers in and around the country. According to my present evaluation, day by day the tolerance level for Homosexuals and for the LGBT lifestyle outside the belief of the Church is on the rise amongst members in Sri Lanka too. But it happens under the carpet.

God's Love is not the Love the LGBT or Homosexuals understand, and that is what should be informed to the lost society, who must be saved from the dungeons of HELL. This will not happen, by debating and arguing of the scriptures, but through intimate relationship with the Lord. How? by getting guided by our graceful God Himself.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

God reveals a secret

I'm on a fast for the last 3 to 4 weeks.God gave me an urge to come to Him with Fasting. As we are praying and exploring His word in a period of fasting, I too kept Praying to the Lord while reading His word every moment available. Today God did an awesome thing. He revealed an amazing secret to me, which prompted me to post. God spoke to me through Luke chapter 1 verse 13. I was actually reading through Luke 1:1-13. It speaks about Zechariah, and his wife Elizabeth, then the appointment of Zechariah to go into the Temple to burn incense. Then the word says that while he was performing is duties an Angel appear. Then the Angel says thus in 1:13: But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John (KJV)......Ok Ok this is that verse about God choosing Elizabeth to bear John the Baptist. But what God revealed to me is this. In this verse the Angel says that God has heard Zechariah's prayers. AND they are answered. HOW? by choosing Elizabeth his wife to bear a boy who must be called John. Now God has been listening to his prayers, and we can easily understand that Zechariah would have been praying to God about their worry of not having children. As Zechariah and Elizabeth would have been married for sometime, Zechariah surely would have been asking God for children for many many years. When he came to this encounter with the Angel, he was pretty old. Then the Angel gives him God's message, that God has really answered his prayers, you think Zechariah wanted John, can you say that Zechariah even asked God for a child during that time. I don't think so, may be you might think, but it is hard for me to think that an old man would do that.  As I've stopped at verse 13, and if you keep reading further you will find that Zechariah doubted, and he wanted to be sure.
Then the Angel says, he is Gabriel, and he stands in the presence of God, and as Zechariah did not believe he will be silent. But that part was read by me only when I started writing this post. At verse 13, what God made me understand is that my prayers will be heard by Him. But when He answers, it will be according to His plan and time. Zechariah did not ask for a name for the Child, but the Angle told him the Name. Zechariah did not plan to make John a jungle man, eating locusts, and drinking wild honey. But God had a plan for the Child. Zechariah would have prayed before he was old, when he thought they wanted a Child, may be when they were young, and newly married, may be when their friends and neighbors who had married after them had children, may be when those children were getting older, or may be when those children got older and married. Thereafter do you think He would have been praying to God? I mean when Zechariah's friends became Grandfathers, do you think He would have prayed? No way. But do you know God answers even our Old prayers. 

This is what God did to me, when I was meditating. He took me back to my childhood, and made me think all the prayers I said in the years upto now, and how they were answered. I realized that all those were answered, and when they were answered it had not been the way I wanted, but ALL THOSE ANSWERS HAD BEEN TO BRING GLORY TO GOD, TO BRING HONOUR TO HIM, AND ACCORDING TO FULFILL HIS PLAN FOR ME, FOR MY FAMILY, AND TO HIS OVERALL CAUSE. Also those answers were more than I had asked at the time. God revealed to me with proof from the His Word, and my past encounters that even the prayers I'm saying today will be answered. When they are answered.... God's glory will prevail. That's for sure. Thank you Jesus for your wonderfulness, and your Grace is immeasurable. Praise God. Amen.    

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christians Sow in Spirit, and Reap in Due Season.

You reap what you sow. This is something that we have heard, whether we are Christians or not. In the Bible there are several verses, which refer to this quote. But the most notable passage that touched my heart, and God wants to share with you,is in Galatians, Chapter 6 verse 7 through 9. Verse 7 says not to be deceived, that God is not mocked, what soever man sows, that shall he also reap. As I'm in Sri Lanka, sowing and reaping is something that I encounter very regularly. Every one does good deeds, in order to get good deeds in return. Like what goes around, comes around. So much so that All religious workers, be it Christians, Buddhists, Hindus or Muslims, they all want their believers to do so, and the believers too want to do that. Helping, sharing, giving, all this is inherent in Humans. That's how Humans are made.It works for every one. I know there are many people who are well to do in every thing, be it money, wealth, work or Business. I mean just see Mark Zuckerberg, he wants to give 99% of his wealth to charity right?People in any religion do great. That is a fact. But this is what we see, feel and hear, every day.

But when you read further into the verse 8, the difference between a Christian and others are known.
It says if you sow in flesh, then through flesh you will reap. But then it will reap corruption. What does that mean? Does it mean that every one that sow in flesh, reaps corruption. Then what about the Christians, the things that we want to do in faith, by using our bodies. We are doing things in order to achieve things, to realize our dreams. We have so much to get. We too want more. We too want to have more. In order to achieve we use our  Brains, hands, legs etc. Aren't they flesh? 

This is one of the Hard questions that we should ask ourselves, as Christians of today. As Christians, we can't be like non-Christians. 1st we should know who the non-Christians are. Verse 8 aptly explains to us the difference. The ones that sow in flesh, and the ones that sow in spirit. That's it. If you are a Christian you must know whether you sow in Flesh or in Spirit. If not you are a non-Christian. Period. Understanding this is not so easy. If you really ask your self, whether you are a sower in flesh or in spirit, what do you feel? But God is good, He want's us to be the right child. He helps us, in spirit to strengthen our spirit. 

Then we come to the last verse, the verse 9. It says that we should do good, without growing weary. Because in due season we will reap. IN DUE SEASON WE WILL REAP.......hallelujah......IN DUE SEASON WE WILL REAP......IF....WE....DO...NOT....GIVE.....UP.

Bingo, it hits on the nail, so hard. We must know if we call ourselves Christians, that what we sow is sown in Spirit, then we will enjoy a life that's everlasting, and we should not grow weary, and keep doing the good things, and at the right time, in due season, we SHALL reap. We must understand, that the secret to our success, comes in due season. You can't control that, only in due season we will reap. This verse says not to give up, till we come to the due season to reap. That is how God has created, this is God's Work. We can't meddle with it. You can't do it alone. But God chose you, because He want's you to be like that. That's why we have to keep doing, keep going, without being weary. God's Love is awesome, His Grace can not be fathomed. He wants you to be a person living in Spirit and, not in Flesh. But only if you want. If you want, then talk to Him, keep talking to Him, keep experiencing Him, keep going with Him. You are His Treasure. your Family is His. He is the Almighty. He has the Almighty power to make you, like what He wants you to be. Do not give up, Do not grow weary. Then in due season, God will give you His harvest and, you will certainly Reap. Happy? are you really Happy? Then praise God. May God Bless You.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Great to be back

After many years I'm back. Great things happened during this long pause. God is awesome. Even though I'm inconsistent God is not. If God was inconsistent the way we are, imagine what would happen. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Praise God.........

Monday, January 14, 2008

My GOD is Great............

It was between August and September 2007, I was financially broke........ I had a lot of obligations, but just couldn't meet my ends meet. Me, my wife and my 8 year old son, were strugling, and it was unbearable. I wish no one should go through a pain like that. The trauma of not knowing how to fulfil the must be met needs, is beyond one's explanation. This is the month my child will be moving to his new Grade for his 1st term. We had to find money for his term fees, new clothes and Books for a new Year. Apart from this I had to find money for mortgage payments which were in areas, the electricity bill was also unpaid for some time. I actually could not bare, that was the truth. Well I believe in the mightyness of the Lord, because if you go thru' my earlier postings, I should know that the Lord is a good Lord. But my humanness just could not hold on to this pain. You see, when you wait on the Lord and, believe that he opened a door to sort your problems out, and you very well know that if you realise those opportunities you will certainly over come your pain....... but day by day when you see that it was only a mirage, you have been misled to believe what you believed in, and that it was not realy something that the Lord sent you to accomplish what you desperatley need to sort your financial worries. What a pain it is, I wish this should not happen to any one. Days were nearing, I'm struggling with the Lord, my wife is worried, when I look at my sons innocent face, and his play full life, with little dreams of going to his school, for the new year, with all new books, uniforms, bags and all the goodies...... how can I bare. I just could not face the situation. How many times I cried on to the Lord, how many times I was weak and helpless, only God will know. Then came this Saturday, somewhere at the end of August 2008, I prayed, went to the internet cafe to see mails, thinking that something might click. I'm sorry I did not mention the door that was opened by the Lord, that was to post blocks of properties on the web,for interested parties to inquire and invest into properties. So this day there was an inquiry about my mobile number, this mailer was from the U.K. So I sent the number, and went home, dejected, and dissapointed. That very evening I got a call from a lady in Panadura, south of Colombo, in Sri Lanka, inquirying of a land that I've posted on the web about 2 months ago. The details were given, and this lady bought the land for his son in the U.K. I got paid for the service, and was more than enough to meet my needs. I waited for the Lord to help me, I learnt that waiting for his deliverence is never easy, you need descipline, you need his guidance to walk with him, it was not easy but waiting paid off, because today today I can live with more confidence, and strength to face up to the future. My GOD is great............ Very Important !!! "Please send your Testimony to my email :, for me to post it in my blog. This is very important. You don't have to mention who you are,or where you come from.Please don't mention names, in a way the glory to GOD will be undermined.This is because it is not Names or people that tranforms you,but the Allmighty GOD.Remember if you really want people to be saved, your testimony and your experiences, are the ones GOD has given you. Share your tetimony, from small tiny little encounters to the best and great ones. Time is too short, but we can be a part of great things, and that's what counts. Because there are Millions, if not Billions to be Saved."